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Zërat e Lumturisë: Studentët e Qendrës Pentagram shprehen për përvojën e tyre magjike në Muzikë dhe Art
EXCELLENTBased on 26 reviewsIna Art2024-03-11Enes Balla2023-11-29The staff there was incredibly nice. A lot of simple, passionate and hard-working people who are willing to help any talented child in the field of the arts.Ar Events2023-03-11Akademi e shkëlqyer!⭐ Staf Profesionistesh !!⭐⭐⭐JayTheThotSlayer 142023-02-17Ogerta Ujkashi2023-01-07The best arts training center. My niece attends several music courses here, and she loves it so far. The management team and the teachers are the best, very professional and caring. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in taking art lessons, be it music, musical instruments or ballet. 👏👏Ilir Selimi2023-01-07Një vend shumë i mirë, staf i mrekullueshëm me metoda evropiane. Ju faleminderit Pentagram 😊Oklejda Kumaraku2022-02-18brizi delija2022-02-18Amanda Rama2022-02-18Lidra Elezi2022-02-18